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UA Islamic Group Remembers 9/11

The Al-Islam Students Association at the University of Arkansas organizes a three-day blood drive as part of the international effort called Muslims for Life. T...

The Al-Islam Students Association at the University of Arkansas organizes a three-day blood drive as part of the international effort called Muslims for Life.

The groups wants to find a way to express love, caring and hope on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 hijackings.

"In total on that day, it didn't matter what religion you were, everybody was affected from all races and all corners of the Earth," said Bennett Browning, volunteer with the Muslims for Life organization.

The slogan is "Love for everyone, Hatred for no one."

"We want our organization to have a positive image, a positive impact on people's lives," said Jeena Abraham, member with the Muslims for Life organization.

"We can't just follow what happened that day and feel responsible for that as well because of our faith," Abraham said.

The campus event attracted a steady crowd. The group said another goal is to show Islam is a religion of peace and love.

"Like every religion there's extremes both ways. It's unfair that Muslims go stereotyped," said Addison Morgan, blood donor.

The drive organizer is Hameed Naseem, a Professor of Electrical Engineering at U of A.

“We hold this drive in order to spread the life giving message of Islam to save lives as a remedy to the erupting and worsening violence throughout the land,” Naseem said.

“9/11 created 3,000 or so victims who lost their lives at the hands of nineteen enemies of humanity, but the religion of Islam was the other victim. Our goal is to illustrate what the real Islam is about, a religion of peace and love," Naseem said.

The national goal of the Muslims for Life group is to collect 11,000 donations of blood at drives all across the country.

The blood drive will be held in the Multicultural Center, room 403, from 10 am to 4 pm September 10th, 11th and 12th. At 9:30 am on September 11th, University of Arkansas Chancellor G. David Gearhart is scheduled to speak to students at the Multicultural Center.

The drive at the university receives support from many areas, including the NWA Islamic Center, Temple Shalom Jewish community, the Ministerial Association and many other Christian organizations.

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