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Ark. Senate Republicans To Propose Legislation Securing Religious Freedoms

ARKANSAS (KFSM) – The Arkansas Senate Republican Caucus unanimously pledged to propose legislation that would ensure the recent Supreme Court ruling legal...

ARKANSAS (KFSM) – The Arkansas Senate Republican Caucus unanimously pledged to propose legislation that would ensure the recent Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage across the U.S. doesn’t infringe on religious freedoms of churches and pastors in The Natural State, according to a news release.

“In light of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision about same-sex marriage, the Arkansas Senate Republican Caucus will be drafting legislation to ensure the rights of churches, pastors and religious schools will not be infringed upon,” the release states.

Proposed legislation will aim to ensure that religious organizations can choose not to participate in or host marriages that violate their religious beliefs, ensure churches maintain their tax-exempt status and ensure county clerks are not being forced to violate their religious beliefs about marriage in the performance of their duties.

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson also released the following statement in response to the pledge made by the Senate Republican Caucus:

“In response to the statements issued today by the House and Senate Republican Caucuses, I am grateful for their continued efforts to assure the religious freedom protection of pastors, churches and religious institutions as a result of last week’s Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage. I share their concern and frustration with the Supreme Court’s decision which is contrary to the expressed will of the Arkansas voter.   It is important to note that it affects government action only. It has no bearing on private individuals or institutions. The ability of pastors, churches, and private individuals to follow their own convictions on marriage is protected under the First Amendment and has not been affected by the Supreme Court’s ruling. In terms of further legislative action, I am not aware of any legislation that would protect county clerks from the requirements of the ruling.

“I am committed to ensuring the rights of pastors, religious institutions, and private individuals to exercise their freedom of conscience. It is my view that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act passed earlier this year accomplishes this purpose. Regardless, it is very important that our church leaders who have convictions on the definition of marriage understand that I will work every day to protect their right of conscience and freedoms under the 1st Amendment.  There will be many future challenges as a result of the Supreme Court decision.  I will continue to determine what legislative action is needed to address the myriad of legal issues that will result from the ruling and also what legislation is needed to protect the churches, pastors and religious institutions who cannot follow the dictates of the Court.”

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