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Workers Stress Following Rules To Avoid Trampoline-Related Injuries

FORT SMITH (KFSM)- With Summer now here, kids are finding more activities to do. Some of these include trampoline parks. But, are you and your kids being safe w...
FORT SMITH (KFSM)- With Summer now here, kids are finding more activities to do. Some of these include trampoline parks.

But, are you and your kids being safe while at the trampoline park?

According to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, each year more than 92,000 emergency room visits are from trampoline-related injuries.

With trampoline parks not being regulated and no safety standards set other than the rules made by each individual park, several visitors are getting hurt while jumping.

Elevate Trampoline Park employee Victoria Fox said a lot of injuries are caused by overcrowding and urges parents to talk to their kids before jumping.

"You see a lot of kids double bouncing other kids," Fox said,  "So we try to have everyone have an equal amount of share on the trampolines because if you double bounce another kid, they can hurt their back or knees."

Fox said the rules are told to the patrons before signing the waiver to jump and they are also posted in the park.

Some tips to help keep your family safe when jumping include:

-Read Rules and Safety Waivers

Each park has individual rules, so be sure to read them and the print on the waiver before jumping.

-Talk to your children

Let your children know that there are risks when jumping and if rules are not followed, they could harm themselves or another jumper.

-Avoid group jumping

Do not jump in the same area as multiple people. The more people around, the higher the risk of injury.

For more information on trampoline safety or to view all the tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, you can visit their website.

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