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Zika Concerns: Local Residents Prepare As Mosquito Season Underway

ARKANSAS (KFSM) – Summer is in full swing and more people are heading outdoors to enjoy the warm weather. However, the warmer weather brings more mosquito...

ARKANSAS (KFSM) - Summer is in full swing and more people are heading outdoors to enjoy the warm weather. However, the warmer weather brings more mosquitoes, and Zika concerns are causing more people to take extra precautions.

Local franchise owner of Mosquito Joe, Brad Simon, said that business has picked up this season due to fear of the Zika virus spreading.

According to the Arkansas Health Department, there have been 5 reports of Arkansans picking up the virus while traveling outside the United States this year.

There are at least 49 countries and territories that have filed active Zika reports, the CDC said. "People will go on vacation to a tropical location and bring the disease back after getting infected by a mosquito carrying the virus," said Simon.

The illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting for several days to a week.

People usually don’t get sick enough to go to the hospital, and they very rarely die, according to the CDC. For this reason, many people might not realize they have been infected.

However, the Zika virus during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects, as well as other severe brain defects for the baby.

Doctors said the most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain, red eyes, muscle pain and headaches. At this time, there is no vaccine to prevent or treat the virus.

One way to keep mosquitoes at bay is to keep your yard trimmed. "By keeping a well manicured lawn and trimming back hedge rows is something that can be beneficial for homeowners to control adult mosquito populations," said Simon. "The Asian tiger mosquito is what we mostly find around here," Simon added.

Experts have some other simple tips to help keep mosquitoes away:

  • Avoid using perfumes - mosquitoes are attracted to sweet scents.
  • Use mosquito repellent before going outside.
  • Light citronella candles around patios or decks.
  • Get rid of any standing water in your yard - this is a breeding ground for them.
  • Use fans - mosquitoes are relatively weak fliers, so placing a fan outside can provide a low-tech solution.
  • Plant flowers and herbs that deter mosquitoes from your home. Ex.) Marigolds, chives, garlic, basil or lavender.
  • Wear long sleeves and long pants.

In Oklahoma, the Department of Health said there have been 12 Zika cases reported from Oklahoma residents who traveled outside the country.

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