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GOP Tax Plan: The Bill Is Set. Rubio, Corker Back To Yes. What Happens Next?

https://ht.cdn.turner.com/cnn/big/politics/2017/12/15/marco-rubio-yes-vote-on-tax-bill.cnn_ios_440.mp4 (CNN) — Republicans have finished writing the final...
trump tax stuff 2

(CNN) — Republicans have finished writing the final version of their tax bill, clearing the way for a floor vote that leaders say they are optimistic will pass — and at least two key Senate votes have gone from “no” to “yes.”

Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican of Florida, is a “yes” on the tax reform bill, per a source close to the senator.

In two tweets earlier Friday afternoon, Rubio said, “For far too long, Washington has ignored and left behind the American working class. Increasing the refundability of the Child Tax Credit from 55% to 70% is a solid step toward broader reforms which are both Pro-Growth and Pro-Worker. … But there is still much more to do in the months and years to come. The progress made on the Child Tax Credit would not have been possible without the support of @SenMikeLee, @SenatorTimScott, and @IvankaTrump.”

Rubio had said previously he was a “no,” and Utah Sen. Mike Lee had said he was an undecided. Most senior Republican aides scoffed at the idea that one or both would vote to take down what Republicans view as a cornerstone domestic achievement — the first of their year running Washington. But Rubio’s red line Thursday genuinely surprised Republican leaders.

Rubio and Lee clearly got more money toward refundability of the child tax credit, expanding that part to $1,400, from $1,100. The expansion of the refundability piece, which is part of the $2,000 child tax credit in the tax bill, was made explicitly to secure Rubio’s support.

In addition to Rubio, Sen. Bob Corker, who initially voted against the bill when it first passed the chamber, announced Friday afternoon he’d back the bill.

Read more, here.

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