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No Arrests Made in Monday Night’s Shooting in Fayetteville

Fayetteville Police are investigating a shooting at the West End Apartments. It happened near 1125 West End Ave, close to Wedington Drive, Monday evening accord...

Fayetteville Police are investigating a shooting at the West End Apartments. It happened near 1125 West End Ave, close to Wedington Drive, Monday evening according to Sgt. Craig Stout.

One person had a “grazing wound,” but police could not say if the man was hit by a bullet or cut by something else. Stout was unsure if the man was taken to the hospital, but EMS was on scene.

There were three bullet holes on the side of Wesley Lane’s studio unit and one passed right by him.

"It would have hit me in the side, right where the lungs are," Wesley Lane said.

Lane happened to step back while he was in the bathroom. 

"The bullet came in front of me and into my kitchen," he said.

Police with flashlights in hand were on the scene looking for evidence and taking pictures. They interviewed neighbors and eyewitnesses who said they saw a white car pull up to their neighborhood.

"A black guy got out of the car, started firing three shots and then I went inside and called the police. There were more shots going on while I was inside," one eyewitness said.

Police were called around 8:50 p.m., after eyewitnesses heard six to seven shots fired in the area. Eyewitnesses told dispatchers they heard a woman scream and a large group of people yelling, according to Stout.

Lane said he saw the white saw car drive off after the shooting and a man on the ground, which police said was grazed by a bullet.

"I finally got him to answer me and he said he only had a cut in his hand. It sounded like it was only five shots but it ended up being seven," Lane said.

No arrests have been made.

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