LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — We are entering that time of year when viruses and illnesses tick up.
So far, flu and COVID-19 remain relatively low in Arkansas, but health officials are seeing abnormally large numbers for another illness.
Pneumonia cases have been unusually high, and the Arkansas Department of Health reported that 39 people died from the bacterial infection last week.
Dr. Joshua Lyon, a pediatrician for All For Kids in Little Rock, said this is one of the largest seasons for pneumonia he's seen, adding that kids could be infected without even realizing it.
"Probably in the last five years of me practicing, I've used the specific antibiotic for 'walking pneumonia' maybe six times," Lyon said. "I wrote them six times today and yesterday."
People can also experience atypical symptoms with the illness called "walking pneumonia."
Lyon said "walking pneumonia" can present itself with a slight cough, a slight fever and possibly a sore throat. The symptoms will continue to progress until treated.
So how do you prevent from getting sick?
The usual washing your hands often, being mindful when around groups of people, and staying home when you're not feeling well.
"Don't be afraid to call your doctor's office and talk about it," Lyon said. "These are weirder things that we don't deal with all the time."
With pneumonia, the virus does not go away on its own. It's a bacterial infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics.
The Arkansas Department of Health reported a minimal spread of flu this week and zero deaths from flu and COVID-19.