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Bentonville firefighter tests positive for coronavirus, 12 others test negative

A Bentonville firefighter has tested positive for the coronavirus, and 12 other firefighters who came into contact with them have tested negative.

BENTONVILLE, Ark. — 4-21-2020 UPDATE: The COVID-19 test results for two Bentonville firefighters who were in self-quarantine have come back negative and the firefighters have returned to duty. 

According to Debbie Griffin with the City of Bentonville, in an abundance of caution, an additional 10 firefighters have been tested over the last five weeks due to some perceived remote contact with the virus and those results are also negative. CDC and ADH guidelines have been followed. 

The one firefighter who tested positive remains in isolation and has remained asymptomatic. This firefighter was not in contact with the public and had no patient interaction. They are undergoing additional testing and in accordance with CDC/ADH guidelines, when cleared by their doctors, they will return to duty.

Other personnel have been assigned to shifts when needed. The Fire Department’s level of service has not been affected by this incident.


A Bentonville firefighter has tested positive for the coronavirus, and two other firefighters have placed themselves in quarantine as they await test results.

The identity of the firefighters has not been released.  

According to Debbie Griffin, with the City of Bentonville, the firefighter that tested positive was not in contact with the public and had no patient interaction. They are currently in isolation.

The other two firefighters are in self-quarantine and are waiting for test results after coming in contact with the first firefighter. 

There is no threat to the public and the Bentonville Fire Department's level of service has not been affected, Griffin said. 

"The City of Bentonville is following all CDC and ADH guidelines," Griffin told 5NEWS.

On Wednesday (April 15), Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson announced there are over 1,500 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the state and 489 recoveries. 

RELATED: Real-time updates: Over 1,500 confirmed coronavirus cases in Arkansas

It was also announced on Wednesday that a Lowell postal worker had tested positive for COVID-19 as well.

RELATED: Lowell postal worker tests positive for COVID-19


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