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Fort Smith Public Schools to discuss masks for students and staff

Item number three on the agenda is to discuss the consideration of adopting a mask policy for students and staff.

FORT SMITH, Ark. — The Fort Smith Board of Education plans to meet at 5:30 p.m. on July 13 to discuss the upcoming school year.

Fort Smith Public Schools Superintendent Doug Brubaker says his administration is planning to recommend that the school board adopt the mask mandate.

"At this point, the plan is to encourage students and staff to wear face masks at schools there’s a draft policy that will go before the board for work session tonight that would make that a mandate," Brubaker said.

During drop-off and pick-up, parents and guardians will not be able to accompany students inside of the buildings.

Students, teachers and staff will be encouraged to practice regular handwashing to prevent the spread of germs.

The school district has ordered large quantities of personal protective equipment.

“What we're trying to do is if we have an instance where we have more than 10 students at lunch at one of the high schools to provide opportunities for them to spread out and to social distance," said Lisa Miller, Principal of Southside High School.

Students and staff will be expected to self-screen for any COVID-19 symptoms before arriving at school.

The meeting will be held at the Service Center Auditorium as well as virtually for board members and Fort Smith Public Schools (FSPS) staff.

Item number three on the agenda is to discuss the consideration of adopting a mask policy for students and staff.

Brubaker says a decision on the mask policy likely won’t be reached until the next school board meeting on July 27.

The public will be able to watch the meeting using this YouTube link: https://youtu.be/5tJmYWkriAo

RELATED: Mayor of Fort Smith speaking out after face mask ordinance tabled

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