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JBU transitions to online classes in response to coronavirus

In-person classes will be temporarily suspended at the end of the day tomorrow, March 13 and will resume online on Monday, March 30.
Credit: KFSM

SILOAM SPRINGS, Ark. — John Brown University held a community meeting Thursday (March 12) evening to announce that the university will transition to online instruction amid coronavirus concerns.

Below is letter sent to the JBU community from President Chip Pollard that provides more detail and rationale. 

"Dear JBU Community,

I am writing to share JBU’s decision in response to the pandemic threat of the coronavirus.

  • Face-to-face classes for undergraduate and graduate students will be temporarily suspended at the end of Friday, March 13.
  • Residential housing will close on Saturday, March 21.
  • Classes will resume in online format on Monday, March 30.

We did not come to this decision easily, because we know that it will be disruptive for the learning of JBU students, but we felt that it was necessary to protect the health of JBU faculty, staff and students and the community of Siloam Springs. By suspending classes for the week of March 16, we have additional time to prepare a better online experience for students to complete the semester. Please let me share the rationale and few details behind our decision.

We have been regularly monitoring the information provided by our local governmental and health authorities, the Arkansas Department of Health, Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization. Right now, the best information suggests that JBU and Siloam Springs are still at a relatively low risk for infection or spread of the coronavirus. That being said, we recognize that JBU’s spring break is only one week away and that our students, faculty and staff have plans to travel widely. This travel could increase the risk of someone in the JBU community becoming infected and bringing the virus back to campus and to Siloam Springs. We also recognize it would be difficult to control the spread of the virus on a residential campus, so we concluded moving to an online/remote education on March 30 is the most responsible and caring thing to do.

We decided to end face-to-face classes after tomorrow in order to give our faculty, staff and students two weeks to prepare for the transition to online learning. Students should expect to hear from individual faculty next week about their initial plans on how they will conduct classes starting March 30. Students are expected to stay fully engaged for the remainder of the semester, including being available during the time that your class regularly meets in case the faculty member chooses to teach live online at that time. We recognize that some students may have difficulties accessing the internet or experience other challenges using this online format, and we ask that if you anticipate difficulty, you contact the Help Desk (help@jbu.edu or 479-524-7256) next week to explore solutions to these challenges before March 30. We also ask that you communicate potential challenges with your faculty so they are aware of any accommodation you may need.

We also want to end face-to-face classes after tomorrow to give students adequate time to make appropriate arrangements to leave campus and move out of JBU housing. We have made this decision because the CDC suggests limiting indoor spaces in which large groups can gather, such as residential facilities and dining halls, because these areas present a greater risk of transmission. We selected this timeline because we recognize it would be a financial and logistical hardship on families and a potential health risk to the community to have students return sometime next month only to gather their belongings and move out of their rooms. We encourage residential students to move out as soon as possible though we realize this will take longer for some students. As long as the current relatively low-risk situation remains the same, JBU housing and dining facilities will remain open until Saturday, March 21 at 8 a.m. to provide flexibility.

We recognize that some students may experience particular hardships due to the closing of JBU housing at that time, including those students who may be from countries with travel restrictions or other extenuating circumstances. If you are in this situation, please contact Residence Life in the Walker Student Center or via email (reslife@jbu.edu) to discuss potential accommodation options.

JBU’s campus will remain open and as fully operational as feasible during this time. We will continue to educate and care for our students. We expect that faculty and staff will have full access to their offices and will continue to work as normal while following the recommended health and hygiene protocols outlined by the CDC. We recognize that some faculty and staff may be vulnerable because of underlying health conditions, and we would ask that you speak to HR about the best and safest way for you to continue working.

I know this announcement will raise numerous questions. We are preparing FAQs to answer most of those questions, and we would ask that you frequently check our coronavirus website (www.jbu.edu/coronavirus) as we update that page with new information. We will also set up a table in the Walker Student Center tomorrow from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. where students can ask questions.

I am deeply saddened that circumstances have led to this decision. JBU is a special place, in large part, because we enjoy the fellowship of all the people who live, work, study and learn here together. Some of that fellowship may be diminished in this transition to online learning for the next four or five weeks. That being said, I would also challenge faculty, staff and students to think creatively about how they might support and encourage one another in new ways during this time.

I am particularly saddened about this decision for our graduating students. While we have not yet made any final decision about the commencement ceremony itself, I know that this decision means that you will lose the opportunity to finish your time at JBU as you expected. You have graced our community with your presence during your years here, and we are grateful for you. For students on campus, I will have times available tomorrow and early next week to take a graduation picture with you if you would like. We will have robes and diplomas available in my office for those pictures.

I look forward to welcoming all JBU students, both those graduating and those returning, back to campus in the future.

Finally, in this time of uncertainty and trial, let us not forget the God whom we serve. As Isaiah reminds us, “This is what the Lord says, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.” JBU, we are a people of faith, not fear, and let us be a witness to that faith in this challenging time.

May it always be true of us at JBU.

Dr. Charles W. Pollard
President, John Brown University"

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