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Gov. Hutchinson opens fiscal session: ‘We know how to survive’

Hutchinson gave a pep talk sprinkled with realism about the pandemic that has threatened public health, closed schools and partially paralyzed the state’s economy.
Credit: Talk Business & Politics

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Amidst a sea of masked legislators, Gov. Asa Hutchinson addressed the 92nd General Assembly, which opened its biennial fiscal session on Wednesday, (Apr. 8) in Little Rock.

It was quite a sight and sign of the times that the address was given in a State Senate chamber at the state capitol where lawmakers were keeping a safe social distance from one another with some senators seated in the public gallery a level above the Senate floor. 

The Arkansas House, which was seated at the Jack Stephens Center at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, watched the governor’s address via live-stream. 

Lawmakers were wearing facial masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The normally crowded state capitol, which would be brimming with lobbyists, political activists, and families of legislators was as quiet as a non-session afternoon.

Hutchinson gave a pep talk sprinkled with realism about the pandemic that has threatened public health, closed schools and partially paralyzed the state’s economy.

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To read more of this story visit our partner in content Talk Business & Politics.

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