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Here's why Oklahoma residents can't renew their tags if they owe as little as $2 in tolls

Representative Annie Menz (D-Norman), filed a house bill to combat this, stating that the regulation incentivizes people to drive with out-of-date registration.

OKLAHOMA CITY — According to Oklahoma law, if a person owes any amount of money in tolls, even unknowingly, they are not allowed to renew their car's registration.

Representative Annie Menz (D-Norman), filed a house bill to combat this, stating that the regulation incentivizes people to continue driving with out-of-date registration.

"Imagine taking off work to stand in line at the tag agency to renew your registration, only to be told that you can't," said Rep. Menz. "Tag agents ... aren't allowed to provide services to someone who owes maybe two dollars. At that point, a person has missed work for nothing, and is now driving around without proper documentation."

Rep. Menz said "Lawful drivers mean safer roads, and getting to work safely means being able to pay bills. This legislation is a commonsense adjustment for working families."

5NEWS will update this article as more information becomes available.

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