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Cedarville School District giving Chromebooks to all students this year

The school district has had Chromebooks for years, but now its been expanded to include all students grades K-12.

CEDARVILLE, Ark. — The start of a new school year in Arkansas is in just two weeks and all school districts big and small are preparing to welcome back students.

The halls of Cedarville High School are quiet and empty now, but students will be back soon for the start of a new school year in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

“Just to see students make my heart happy so I know that these are uncertain times, people have questions, they have concerns, we all do but at the end of the day, we get our students back on the 24th and we couldn’t be happier," said Sarah McPhate, Cedarville Middle School Principal. 

Chromebook pickup started for 9th and 10th graders, but every student in the school district, about 750 in total, will get one this year.

“We’ve always used Chromebooks in grades 3-12 and then we’ve expanded down through kindergarten this year," said Rebecca Cook, Cedarville Elementary School Principal.

Parents had to choose between two learning options, blended or virtual, with about 20% opting for the latter.

Cedarville is a mostly rural area, but school officials say all students will have access to WiFi.

“Our tech department has been extraordinary and they’ve expanded our WiFi out to Highway 59, to the one-stop convenience store across the street, over to city park and the library," said Courtney Cochran, Cedarville High School Principal.

Desks inside of classrooms are an average of three to four feet apart.

Additionally, thanks to CARES Act funding every single student will be provided three cloth masks.

“We will wash all of the masks regularly, weekly, and we’ll use a very special cleaning detergent that will take care of COVID-19 and other viruses and bacteria that may be on them," Cochran said.

While preparing for school during a pandemic has proved to be challenging and there are still lingering concerns, teachers are ready to welcome back students.

“We became educators because we have a heart for students, and we can’t wait for them to come back," McPhate said.

Chromebook pickup up for 11th and 12th grade is Thursday.

Students going virtual will still be able to pick up breakfast and lunch as part of the school lunch program.

Through a partnership with the Boys and Girls Club the after school program also provides a third meal to students.

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