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Fire Department’s New ISO Rating to Lower Homeowner’s Insurance

If you live in rural Greenwood, you may soon get a break on your homeowners insurance thanks to the rural fire department improving their insurance service offi...

If you live in rural Greenwood, you may soon get a break on your homeowners insurance thanks to the rural fire department improving their insurance service office (ISO) rating.

Eighteen volunteer firefighters celebrated the four point-improvement with a barbeque on Labor Day.

Assistant fire chief Duane Logsdon says the crew boosted their rate from a nine to a five.

“That`s what insurance companies use to set premium for home owners policies,” Logdson said. “They rate the fire departments on their efficiency.”

Many things, like response times, are graded when ISO considers a score.

“They then look at water sources, whether it be hydrants or ponds, they check our equipment, they look at our maintenance records on our equipment, our personnel,” he said.

The improved ISO rating comes as upgrades and changes were implemented at all Sebastian County fire departments.

“There`s only 22% of the departments out of Arkansas that have an ISO of five or better, so again, we`re very proud,” Logdson said.

The project was funded through the county judge’s office and the Justice of the Peace, Logsdon said. They set aside around $35,000 per fire department for the improvements, which in turn will help homeowners.

“For the people in the Greenwood rural area, they should contact their insurance people and they should see a significant reduction on their homeowner`s policy,” Logsdon said.

Those who live in the area say they`re happy the rural fire department`s hard work is paying off.

“Those guys do not get paid, this is what you have to understand,” said local resident Jimmie Gonzales. “That`s a rural fire department. These guys are out there 24 hours a day. They`re ready to help you, regardless of what it is, they`re there for you.”

Changes to home insurance could begin as early as December, according to Logsdon.

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