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Ozark receives $1.9 million grant to expand broadband

“Providing quality broadband to rural communities such as Ozark is a top priority for my administration,” Gov. Asa Hutchinson said.

OZARK, Ark. — Residents of Ozark are set to benefit from a $1.909 million grant through the Arkansas Rural Connect (ARC) broadband grant program.

It’s the second grant awarded by the program managed by the Arkansas Department of Commerce.

Fort Smith-based Pinnacle Telecom will work with the city of Ozark to deploy fiber to homes in the city.

“The ARC program is an illustration of Arkansas creating successful public-private partnerships,” Secretary of Commerce Mike Preston said in a statement. “Arkansans continue to find creative solutions to difficult problems, and deploying broadband through the ARC program is another example of our innovative spirit.”

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