FORT SMITH, Ark. — Weldon, Williams & Lick (WW&L), a Fort Smith custom security printing business, announced Thursday (May 14) that numerous employees are being transitioned to a one-month furlough and possible layoff status in response to the sharp halt in live entertainment and sporting events from the impact of COVID-19.
"Weldon, Williams & Lick has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak and the effect it has had on the live entertainment industry, which represents over 75% of our customer base. Since the beginning of this outbreak and complete shutdown of live events, we have focused on staying true to our values and taking care of our customers and employees,” said Tracey Geren, WW&L President.
“It appears that the gathering of large crowds of people, which is in our very DNA, will not return soon. As a result, we have made the very difficult decision to furlough over 40% of our workforce and to initiate other cost-containment measures. We have outstanding employees who work tirelessly to take care of our customers and be good stewards of the community in which we live. We hope to be able to retain or rehire the majority of these employees in the future.”
Weldon, Williams & Lick has offered custom security printing for over a century but has now made the difficult, but strategic decision to restructure to accommodate current production needs and to serve its customer base upon a return to hosting large crowds of people.
WW&L says it remains committed to helping employees affected by the furloughs and likely layoffs and is providing a one-month furlough period with the hope of recalling some employees before an eventual temporary layoff status.
The employees remaining will see variations in workload and further cost-containment strategies to offset the immediate effects of the coronavirus pandemic impact.
WW&L says it remains committed to its loyal customer base and is greatly anticipating, like all of America, the day that colleges, universities, theatres, professional sports teams, and other entertainment organizations can return to live events.