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Gov. Asa Hutchinson announces pay increase for state employees and discusses vaccine mandates

Gov. Asa Hutchinson expressed his support for the decision to expand an Arkansas inmate facility despite protestors shouting "no new cages" in response.

ARKANSAS, USA — Tuesday, Feb. 17, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson gave his weekly press conference addressing his opposition for governmental vaccine mandates, prison expansion, and a pay raise for state employees.

Prison Expansion:

Gov.Hutchinson is standing by the decision to add nearly 500 beds to an inmate facility in Calico Rock, despite protesters urging him not to.

Monday, Feb. 14, those protesters interrupted the governor in the middle of his state of the state address chanting “no new cages.”

The protesters were later moved out of the building and two people were later arrested for disorderly conduct.

The protestors said instead of prison expansion the state should focus on spending the money on mental healthcare resources.

5NEWS asked the governor why he is standing by this decision. He responded by saying the move is not reflective of a change in incarceration policy but to address the over 2,000 state prisoners in county jails, that the state does not have room for. Hutchinson says he is taking steps to focus on mental health as well.

“You can do two things at the same time,” Hutchinson said. “Provide alternatives to incarnation, rehabilitation efforts, mental health services and at the same time, not have this back up in the county jails which is the reason were expanding that space.”

Hutchinson says the state is also focusing on mental health programs such as re-entry programs and the funding of two new drug courts. However, he says there is still more work to be done.

Pay Raise:

A 2% raise is coming to state employees due to inflation and because the cost of living is on the rise.

The one-time payment is called a COLA payment or cost of living increase adjustment. The last one Arkansas had was in 2012 before Gov. Hutchinson was in office.

This pay raise will be funded through the performance fund or general state revenues as needed. It will go into effect within the next two weeks and the increase is only for executive branch employees.

State employees will first see the increase in their upcoming paycheck on Feb. 25.

“This is absolutely necessary in light of the inflationary pressures that they’re all experiencing,” Hutchinson said. “And because of their extraordinary work coming out of this pandemic.”

Hutchinson says the 2% raise is the highest the law allows him to make and in order to be approved, the Chief Fiscal Officer had to certify there was enough money to do a pay raise. 

Vaccine Mandates:

Hutchinson continues to stand in opposition to vaccination mandates despite seeing an increase in vaccination rates from the State Department of Human Services.

Hutchinson says the vaccine rate in DHS employees has gone up dramatically. However, he says he is worried about losing employees because of the mandate and that’s why he is making sure our state has exemptions to the vaccine.

“Clearly, if you have a mandate vaccination rate will go up some,” Hutchinson said. “But it’s at what cost? Is it necessary? And what resistance does that build up in society?”

Hutchinson says he’s looking to continue to increase knowledge about the vaccine and calls government mandates ill-advised.

Hutchinson sent letters to president Biden and the prime minister of Canada asking them to lift the vaccine requirement for cross-border travel and truck drivers.

In Canada, crowds have been protesting COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine mandates.

Hutchinson still feels it is a decision that should be left up to employers or the people themselves.

RELATED: Arkansas gas prices continue to rise, still second-lowest in U.S.

RELATED: Gov. Hutchinson announces creation of Arkansas Women's Commission

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