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UAFS outlines opening plan, includes UA system requirement to wear masks

UAFS Chancellor Dr. Terisa Riley has outlined the university's return plan, which includes a requirement to wear face coverings.

University of Arkansas at Fort Smith Chancellor Dr. Terisa Riley outlined the university’s plan – which includes a requirement to wear masks – to keep students, faculty and staff safe as the fall semester begins during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Riley presented the UAFS plan during a special meeting of the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees meeting Wednesday (July 15). UAFS will require, at a minimum, for face coverings to be worn anytime a physical distance of six feet cannot be assured, Riley said. 

Earlier in the meeting the board of trustees unanimously passed a resolution that directs each campus, division and unit in the UA system to adopt a policy that “requires the use of face coverings by students, faculty, staff and guests in university facilities” where the six-foot physical distance cannot be maintained. 

“It is hard to imagine any indoor venue that would not require one,” John Goodson, chair of the board of trustees, said during the meeting held in Little Rock. 

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